Nov 2, 2023

The Livre Noir of the first Sommet Dynastie: Reflections and recommendations

The Fondation Dynastie is proud to announce the release of its first report following the Sommet Dynastie: Le Livre Noir. Much more than just a report, it's a manifesto, a source of reflection and a guide to the future of Quebec's cultural, artistic and media industries.

This first issue plunges us into the heart of the discussions and exchanges that animated the Summit, sharing the ideas and achievements that marked the edition of November 4 and 5, 2022.

This report is a reminder of the enlightening speeches that took place during the event. It offers an in-depth reflection on the challenges and opportunities facing the cultural, arts and media industries, and proposes innovative solutions to address them.

As the pages turn, readers can catch a glimpse of the contributions of the opinion leaders, eminent artists and visionaries who shared their unique perspectives at the event. QR code-encoded videos allow readers to step back into the action and view the various panels and round tables.

This book offers ideas on how to foster inclusion, increase diversity and create alternative pathways for emerging talent. It is now available digitally, and we invite you to discover it for inspiration, innovation and action.

Enjoy your reading!

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